Sunday 6 October 2013

This social media lark!

I currently have a facebook page; a twitter account; a blog (you're here!); a website (; a Digg account; pinterest boards; a Ravelry account;  misi/folksy and etsy pages.................
 I also have a business to run, knitting groups to inspire, yarn to be dyed, designs to be completed, projects to be finished.................

.................. a dog to walk, ironing and washing to be done, kids to be taken and collected, food to be bought and cooked, and............................... in my spare time.................. well, you get the picture.

I'm not unusual in this, 1000's of women (I won't speak for the men, they can do that on their own) do the same and I'm certainly not looking for sympathy. I love the challenges, the juggling and the sense of achievement (which I keep to myself) at the end of the day.  But I do use this as a reason why I don't blog as often as the business advisors recommend.

I've been trying to give myself a heads up on New Year's Resolutions recently - usually, I don't think about them until 11.55pm on the 31st December! 2014 is going to be different (perhaps that's because it's a significant year - the big 50!) so I resolve to ................................... no, perhaps I'm not going to share quite yet - but, certainly Social Media will feature somewhere!

In the meantime, in an effort to rationalise my passions, I have recently thought about combining some of them - so here's the first effort.

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